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Saturday, January 3, 2009


.,it feels so cold... this is one of the coldest night I've ever is pass five in the morning and i am patiently waiting for the sun to rise... just to lessen the cold and get more warmth...
the coldness makes my body shiver... my fingers are all numb... my body forced me to get up... i searched for my bonnet and a jacket... alas i found it... the cold feeling was lessened... my nail beds looks pale and my earlobes are cold...

ideas passed through my 'cold mind'... i wonder how the other people are doin' right now?.... are they also cold?... those less fortunate individuals living at the street, street corners and sidewalks... they only have a cold, lonely road to sleep into... i wonder if they even have with them even a simple grumpy jacket for protection... just to give them even a little warmth... pity those individuals who suffers from the unfair hands of our world...

and on one thought, i realized how lucky am i despite those difficulties laid before me... i am able to sleep in my own room, have a blanket to ease the coldness, joint forces with my jacket and a bonnet.. pillows to give me comfort... i am on my fetal position right now... I'm imagining it.... my legs bent, hugging my little spongebob pillow which is my most favorite among the five... i twist... then bend... finding the most comfortable position for me... turning... turning... i am pushing myself into the bed corners...

it is still cold... and yet i managed to get up now and do typing... how i wish for the sun to rise and shine now...

i need some heat... I'm longing for some warmth... anyone, wanna be my sun???....

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