"Guys! Guys! Tingnan nyo, Umuulan ng yelo!!!..." (Guys! guys! look, it's raining men, oh i mean ICE!!!)
.,The weather has been so humidly hot all throughout the day, it was 5:20pm and we were just dismissed from our last subject (one of my favorite! welcome back Ma'am M!) Lightnings and Thunders disturbed our consciousness, we were just talking about how we can solve our problem with one of our teachers and then the wind blew hard... its cold... the heavens went dark and whoala! The heavy rain fell... Literally, it is thus HEAVY... The blinding lightning is accompanied by a very deafening thunder... the branches of the trees sway with the wind... the non-pliant ones were brought back down to the grounds...
"Ano ba yan nagbabagsakan na yung mga bunga ng Talisay sa bubong..." (The fruitlets of the Talisay tree are continuously falling down the roof.) "ang ingay!" (What a noise!) We were on the Student center then... a waiting area made for us, students... Good thing it does have a roof for shelter but not walls for hard blowing winds and splashes of water from the rain... my eyes were wide open to see such once in a lifetime experience...
while we were thinking of ways on how to manage the situation and not to get all soaked and wet, suddenly i heard someone said, "Guys! Guys! Tingnan nyo, Umuulan ng yelo!!!..." (Guys! guys! look, it's raining men, oh i mean ICE!!!)
WTF... really?... is this really happening?.. I was amazed by nature... unexpectedly, the rainwater is falling- with crushed ice... I picked some of it and duh it was cold... (of course its ice!) I smiled and decided to get my cp... (unfortunately, it was EMPTY BAT!, ahhhh shoot!) I was not able to capture some pictures or even a video of it... we were stranded and we're all so wet by that time but it doesn't matter anymore... Seeing tons of crushed ice falling from the heavens outweighed the uncomfortable feeling of being all soaky wet... This is the first time I have seen such phenomenon... 5:40pm: we were still at the student center laughing about our situation...
The University, for just an hour or so was a little flooded; a happening which has never been so new to me, even for other students...
Damn, I still feel disappointed. If my phone has just not broke by the time i needed it most... I would've documented what had happened...
After the hard and heavy rain we've then decided to continue what we've planned to do just before that incident happened- Malling :D
After, we walked our way to the terminal hearing people talking about what had happened, as if we have not witnessed it huh...
A group of Teenagers looking up at the dark sky saw a one big white cloud far from where we were and then said,
"whoi baka isang bloke naman ng yelo yung bumagsak!" (hey, what if a block of ice would be the next one to fall!)
Lol... that was funny... and if that thing would happen how i wish he'll be the first one to be hit hardly... crap!
I just realized now, "What's happening with Mother Nature?... She's changed."
-nga pala, Jp, happy birthday!... (kahit di mo to mababasa, kahit may bago ka nang friends...):D