I have been sooo busy doing other stuffs that I have just realized now that my blog is quite 'dead'...
I have been making honey jams all month long... and its sweet!... :D swear!...
As far as my memory goes, I have last visited my favorite site when I have had my duty on the Emergency Room of a PRIVATE hospital here in the City... and yeah, the first day was the 'one and only' time when my group experienced our happiest hours... It has never been a new thing for us, 'Laughing' about simple stuffs... anytime, anywhere, anyhow... ;) we will laugh our hearts out 'til were all dead tired on Laughing out Loud... but, sometimes we are disregarding the existence of things and people around our circumference (unconsciously), that we are becoming a little insensitive about how those people might feel or maybe, make impressions... It may also be the one single reason why our relationship with our previous Clinical Instructor was kinda Intrapersonal (in the simplest context, I can say- "It was just all in the mind.", never was or never have been one with the heart...) I don't want others to compare my Personality from others' temperaments... yet, I tend to do compare one person from another. Our first duty was a million, trillion and quadrillion miles the best amongst the ones which we have been into... Its not because of the place, neither the time, nor the patients or the toxic duty itself, its the 'Incomparable Clinical Instructor' who have had made our stay a very remarkable one... indeed!.
After that week of duty, the examinations week, in a flash then followed... Am I smart or am I just Smart?... nope I am not.. I consider myself just 'a point above average' -type of learner, it has just been rounded off... :D
I have performed well on those subjects which I have learned to love the most, but there is this one little stuff (our class @ 10-12am) which makes my Learning quite a way-over imperfect..:D I have noticed, even from the start, that I cannot really ride on the discussion of this certain Instructor though I am trying my bestest to do so... I recite at times, in fact I have established my name on the 'CIRCULATION'... ;) yet, I am still pushing so hard that sometimes i just see myself lying back on bed and fantasizing and day dreaming... I do good on our first subject which is scheduled: MTW @ 7-8am, I know because i see that I am exerting enough efforts to get a well-deserved grade (though she have not yet provided transparency with those kind of stuffs). I do exert more than enough efforts on the following subject which is @ 8-9am, I am way too sure because it have made a reflection on my grade... I think I really am quite good at it (this term)... the next subject is @ 9-10am, I play fair, safe and well that's all- no more, no less.
I have just arrived back on track... and I won't let myself bring me down... its just a matter of 'Internal Motivation'. I can do better if I just wish to do so... there are No Bound'ries as Kris Allen said... and i won't Runaway (d corr's:)... la lang (listening to the songs on my track list)...

I'll be making more Honey Jams and keep myself a busy honeybee... so in the end, I would expect my bee hives to be full (of sweet honey of course)... I won't make unnecessary buzzing sounds as much as I can so I wont get impressions from the superior Bumblebees... and one thing more, I don't bite, I have a sting!... :D
Sweetest dreams!..:D
I have been making honey jams all month long... and its sweet!... :D swear!...
As far as my memory goes, I have last visited my favorite site when I have had my duty on the Emergency Room of a PRIVATE hospital here in the City... and yeah, the first day was the 'one and only' time when my group experienced our happiest hours... It has never been a new thing for us, 'Laughing' about simple stuffs... anytime, anywhere, anyhow... ;) we will laugh our hearts out 'til were all dead tired on Laughing out Loud... but, sometimes we are disregarding the existence of things and people around our circumference (unconsciously), that we are becoming a little insensitive about how those people might feel or maybe, make impressions... It may also be the one single reason why our relationship with our previous Clinical Instructor was kinda Intrapersonal (in the simplest context, I can say- "It was just all in the mind.", never was or never have been one with the heart...) I don't want others to compare my Personality from others' temperaments... yet, I tend to do compare one person from another. Our first duty was a million, trillion and quadrillion miles the best amongst the ones which we have been into... Its not because of the place, neither the time, nor the patients or the toxic duty itself, its the 'Incomparable Clinical Instructor' who have had made our stay a very remarkable one... indeed!.
After that week of duty, the examinations week, in a flash then followed... Am I smart or am I just Smart?... nope I am not.. I consider myself just 'a point above average' -type of learner, it has just been rounded off... :D
I have performed well on those subjects which I have learned to love the most, but there is this one little stuff (our class @ 10-12am) which makes my Learning quite a way-over imperfect..:D I have noticed, even from the start, that I cannot really ride on the discussion of this certain Instructor though I am trying my bestest to do so... I recite at times, in fact I have established my name on the 'CIRCULATION'... ;) yet, I am still pushing so hard that sometimes i just see myself lying back on bed and fantasizing and day dreaming... I do good on our first subject which is scheduled: MTW @ 7-8am, I know because i see that I am exerting enough efforts to get a well-deserved grade (though she have not yet provided transparency with those kind of stuffs). I do exert more than enough efforts on the following subject which is @ 8-9am, I am way too sure because it have made a reflection on my grade... I think I really am quite good at it (this term)... the next subject is @ 9-10am, I play fair, safe and well that's all- no more, no less.
I have just arrived back on track... and I won't let myself bring me down... its just a matter of 'Internal Motivation'. I can do better if I just wish to do so... there are No Bound'ries as Kris Allen said... and i won't Runaway (d corr's:)... la lang (listening to the songs on my track list)...
I'll be making more Honey Jams and keep myself a busy honeybee... so in the end, I would expect my bee hives to be full (of sweet honey of course)... I won't make unnecessary buzzing sounds as much as I can so I wont get impressions from the superior Bumblebees... and one thing more, I don't bite, I have a sting!... :D
Sweetest dreams!..:D
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