.,"In every beginning, there will always be a succeeding end..."
there will always be a time in our lives when we will meet our own correspondents... somebody to help us write the stories of our lives... some one who will hand over you some papers to write onto... some to give you your writing pens when your inks lost lives... and others- erasers and correction fluids to keep you going after doing slip-ups to put you back on track...
after the longs hours of busy and wearisome schooling the colors painted above the skies always gives me a sigh of relief...
the amusing sunsets, a positive loneliness, rest and selflessness... these things clears my mind from doubtful thoughts and judgmental aspects running within it during critical times...
a perfect picture painted, having no viewing price to pay... God is Great... sunsets are gay...
and i love them better than sunrises...
sunsets starts the new sunrises... both gives way for the entrance of the other... but isn't it nicer to think of what you have accomplished for the whole day, reminiscin' the valuable stuffs you have done after the very busy daylight hours... of course doing the look backs at the end of the day... when the sun sets to rest and the moon then starts to work...

when people starts to shut their eyelids down and you alone tend to take a peek out to the beauty of nature, and then you'll start to think,
wishing for calm nights, sweet dreams...thinking of a not existing love life and all the blessings you have been waiting for so long... come to think of it, most people tends to remember just more of the negatives... and i am one of them... i am and was never a negativist nor a pessimist... but during the past few hours... i admit.. i kinda was...
shifting topics... i have always loved the beauty of the night... the glow of the moon during the dim, cold evening... makes me transform from a filthy human being to a clean hunting monster... there sprouted wings and sharp fangs...
if you were given this, you can't expect for the other fact that you can be given that... we can't always have everything all to be possessed at once... it takes time... like how the skies waits for the sunset to arrive... and how the moon waits while the sleeping of the sun takes place... we all have our own precious times... it just comes... we don't know when or how... but it is not important... what is more important is to believe that it will happen... it will happen if you'll learn to wait... patience, just this eight-letter word... and add another five for that... ef. ey. ay. ti. eytch... look op to BRO... HE's always there... presently watching...
life is a never ending examination... multiple choice type at times... and some unexpected identifications... lucky if there is a cross matching... (quite easy huh..) but never will be enumerations... what if there is an essay type?... or would you rather choose to define?...
do we need to able to defend powerfully?... or disappoint yourselves while getting away?...
i really don't care... now, i can sleep soundly...and from the spaces of my own room will i set my mind that 'things just don't always go the way we want it...'
danda aman ng sunset mo..
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