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Monday, February 23, 2009

.,have i gotten into it too much?...

.,Horoscopes...- astrological forecast: an astrologer's description of the personality and future of a person based on the position of the planets in relation to the sign of the zodiac under which the person was born...
(Microsoft® Encarta® 2008. © 1993-2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.)

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

The Bottom Line
Try to connect with people instead of avoiding them. You need to get more social.

In Detail
You might not have realized it, but you have been pulling back from the people around you for a while now. Today, you need to try to connect instead of avoid if you want to maintain some important relationships. You relate well to other people when you put yourself in the role of listener -- so you should get yourself involved in group events and conversations. When you hear something that sparks your emotions, pipe up. Add your two cents and everyone will win.

-i am not that interested on horoscope topics... i read it sometimes only on newspaper columns...
i don't know what had pushed me to view my horoscope on friendster... maybe just out of my curiosity... well,i know it won't cost any trouble to me...

i first thought of reading just the bottom line but i felt it is some kind of incomplete if i would not read all the words in detail...

let me talk about the bottom line first... so this is the main point... and the first line made a strike on me... "hey how'd you know my situation?... you really nailed it..." this i have just said to myself... i think everyone in the class knows what's happening within the block... i have not gotten so much with some of my so-called 'friends'... i don't know if the problem is on me or if it's into them... we always say this, "thank God we're in a Democratic country." and now i am saying it...

i can't be just like a numb something when i know to myself and that there really is an array of incongruity happening within the group... i have been sited for a while now.... and now i am standing up... (I'll sit again when i get tired...:)

i think the problem is within both parties but i think the greatest deceitfulness is merely from the individuals who made separate ways themselves... "change is one of the most constant thing in the perspective of becoming a human being." but i don't really get it... are they blinded by the glittering light they see right now?... or are they really just patsies?... a victim of some worldly cravings on which one can't get enough of that they even managed to have them by using other people or rather allowing some individuals to use them... if i am to recall, these individuals i am pertaining to are one of the 'unimpaired' ones who were (if i am correct) against the attitude of the persons they are with right now... i don't know how easily did they forget the words of rebuff they have said in the past...

"you have been pulling back from the people around you for a while now. Today, you need to try to connect instead of avoid if you want to maintain some important relationships."

these are the lines which caught me in one way or another...

if i need to slap those words on their faces just to show to them how much they have changed since then...i will be willing to do that... with all my mighty heart...
it's hard to face the problem if the problem is your face....(no just kidding...) it is if the problem is within you... coz' it is about a hundred less .01 percent difficult to see it and face it...
for an instance, will you know that microorganisms are becoming parasitos when they are within your body?... of course you wont... coz you don't see it... unless you use some microscopes or tiny lenses of magnifiers for viewing it...
but that's now a different kettle of fish... back to the topic...

never on my wildest and most unfathomable dreams did i ever imagine these things will happen... and what's more conspicuous is that the individuals who was touched by the epidemic are those whom you have thought on the first place as persons with their own lines of thinking, an influx of the ability to think and learn... with a proper mind i guess... but now they are making wrong impressions out of themselves...

who, on the first place would love to be with a 'becoming totally parasite person'?... i guess none... unless they are parasitos too... if you are a sensible human being, i guess you have the ability to think of what is right and what are those we can consider incorrect... to distinguish between the old you and the one you are on the present... i am saying these words just because of my concern...

i want you guys , your stomachs to heave and expel in your very front the words you all have said against the individuals you now consider as 'lawful friends'...
to realize how much you all have changed... from the way you talk, the way your eyes meet 'our' friends eyes... how on every mounting situation you feel the lack of or the need for people whom in reality you have been with but then they apparently disappeared...

don't mock me with your faces... nor fake each and every smile you give every time we are having chances to be together... i am not bitter, hostile, nor being cold... i just want you to realize and see how much each part of you have changed... drastically... i am not wanting you to be back... but at least now i tried...

"All the world's a stage... and we're the writers of our own actions..."



i miss my 'old friends'... the ones i have known...

but change is constant...

i don't know if i can still follow...


Anonymous said...

hehehe.. you have my word. ;D

angel-o said...

and i believe you...

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