.,everyday is always a game i play. i don't know if i can win it upon reaching the end. i am not that courageous to face each and every part of the game, yet, i continue moving. passing through the tunnels of life has always been difficult. I wonder how everybody faces each and every portion of life... some gives up , but others continues to fight... I have met a lot of people whom I've made memories with... some, I've made good relationships with, and a few whom I've commanded to move away. i make decisions without thinking of the 'cons'.... so, i always fall down to regret those decisions...A lot of people just 'always' go with the flow, even if it is happiness, love, hurt or anger.... They don't make efforts to paddle, to stop for a while and think. No one is perfect, yes i know that.... But this is different from the people who think.... once you go with the flow, you cannot control it from carrying you all through the place you don't even know what or where.... But if you try to paddle once the flow is rushing, you can control the flow and you can choose the place to where you want to go.... We cannot escape from the fact that we commit mistakes, but then we always do those even unconsciously or not.... 'Learn from your mistakes' as some other people say but why is that a lot always commits the same over and over... Is man created inherently fool!?.... Of course not!... We are created with rationality, that is why we can think and reason out, it's just that we do not use what we have, and that causes the problem.Are doors possible to close!?.... even if its all the time wide open!?....what do you think!?.... the answer... yes, obviously yes.... every road that we travel through life has an end... patience, care, trust or even love can end.... so thus the door through it can close anytime; on the time we don't expect that it would come.... So what will you do when it is now closed!?.... are you gonna try to open it back!?... well, if it is your fault why it closed, you should!!.... or even if it isn't you must try to.... Like what i have learned, that 'pride' is a vice, and a vice isn't good for it is out of man's morality. what are you going to have when you use it!?....When you use it more than you should!?.... You'll surely have nothing!!.....you can even lose everything....Forgive and forget, we always say that it is just easy to utter but it's hard to do or to apply... well, why don't we try to!?...If this is not yet the right time then when will it be!?....There are no short cots through life, its always a long way process.... it is always a 'start' and it might take a very long time to reach the 'end'... the finish line.... learn to treasure what you have right now... appreciate every bit of your life; positive or negative, significant or not... Everything has their own value, its just that somethings are really more valuable than the other.... But, admit it, every detail in this world is important... Everything , every creature has their own purpose in life.... Every event; every situation happens for a reason.... It's just that somethings don't really tell us 'for what' or 'why so'!?....Change; this is what the world needs... true and sincere love, honesty, care, all the good things that a man; every person must have..... and of course, God..... Faith to God...=)-angel-o....=)

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Thursday, September 11, 2008
.,few things...
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